Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is often prescribed to help people suffering from acute or chronic pain and for those with functional impairments due to pain, injury, or other neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions. When addressing pain, the goal is to facilitate the healing of injured or irritated muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, or the spine. This can be achieved with the use of manual manipulation, modalities that promote increased blood flow, reduce inflammation, and stimulate tissue repair, along with implementing a stretching and strengthening program. Functional impairments such as difficulty changing positions, walking, bending, or lifting can be the result of pain, poor balance, weakness, or other health conditions. Physical therapy can also provide treatments that will improve such impairments and help maintain function. 

The highly trained physical therapists at RPPC PT will help to further evaluate the underlying cause of your pain or functional impairment. With the use of evidence-based kinesiology, exercise prescription, health education, mobilization, and electrical or physical agents, they will develop a treatment program specific to your condition.



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