Neck Pain

Neck Pain Treatment in Novi & Howell, MI

If you are dealing with any condition, injury or disorder that impacts the spine or causes your back or neck pain, chances are good that your doctor will refer you to us. Our Novi and Howell, MI, team of board-certified physiatrists and rehabilitation doctors provides a wide range of customized treatments and holistic therapies designed to ease even the most challenging forms of neck pain without requiring invasive procedures or surgeries.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain can last anywhere from a couple of days to years. That’s why we need to determine the cause of your neck pain, first and foremost. If neck pain is severe, impacting your quality of life, the result of an accident or injury, or isn’t responding to home care; it’s time to turn to us. Common causes of neck pain include,

  • Herniated disc
  • Whiplash
  • Poor posture
  • Stress or strain
  • Pinched nerve
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Tumors

Can a Physiatrist Help Me?

Whether you are dealing with acute or chronic neck pain, our job as your physiatrist is to evaluate your condition, determine the cause and then establish a customized plan that treats the underlying cause of your pain (not just the symptoms). Our goal is to alleviate your pain through non-invasive procedures, therapies and methods and restore neck and spine function. Of course, our team of physiatrists is trained to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal problems that don’t just stop with the neck. Our role is to evaluate and treat all spine-related conditions, including the extremities.

How is Neck Pain Treated?

How we treat your neck pain will depend on the cause. We may need to perform imaging tests to provide a diagnosis. From there, we will determine which modalities will give you the best relief. Here at Rehabilitation Physicians, we offer a variety of treatment options. Here are some of the ways we may treat your neck pain,

  • Acupuncture: Studies have shown that this non-invasive therapy may be an effective way to alleviate chronic neck pain without medications or unpleasant side effects.
  • Imaging-guided injections: Everything from trigger point therapy to facet injections can help to alleviate inflammation and provide long-term relief from neck pain, particularly more stubborn forms of neck pain that don’t respond to other treatment options.
  • Osteopathic manipulation therapy: Through gentle body manipulation techniques, we can boost blood flow, stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and provide a non-invasive and drug-free approach to alleviating neck pain.
  • Physical Therapy: Through a series of exercises, we can help rebuild and strengthen the ligaments, muscles, tendons and more to restore range of motion and functionality in the neck while easing pain and inflammation.

If you are experiencing chronic or debilitating neck pain and are looking for a physician in Novi or Howell, MI, that provides rehabilitation medication to help you avoid surgery, call Rehabilitation Physicians at (248) 893-3200 to schedule a consultation with our team.

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